DesignWare EV6x

DesignWare EV6x Processors for High-Performance Vision Applications | Synopsys

Synopsys' Pierre Paulin Discusses the Company's DesignWare EV6x Embedded Vision Processors (Preview)

Synopsys Demonstration of Deep Learning with VGG16 on the DesignWare EV6x Vision Processor

Histogram of Gradients Demo on Synopsys DesignWare EV6x Vision Processor | Synopsys

Accelerate Automotive Design with DesignWare ARC EV6x Embedded Vision Processor IP | Synopsys

Accelerate Automotive Design with DesignWare ARC EV6x Embedded Vision Processor IP (Synopsys)

Synopsys and Inuitive Demonstration of DesignWare ARC EV6x Processor IP in NU4000 SoC

Synopsys Demo of ASIL-D Ready DesignWare ARC EV6x Embedded Vision Processor IP for Safe Auto SoCs

Synopsys Demonstration of Android Neural Network Acceleration with EV6x

Demo: Combining SLAM and Object Detection with DesignWare ARC EV Processor IP | Synopsys

Percepio Tracealyzer Profiles OpenVX Applications on ARC® EV6x Vision Processors | Synopsys

Synopsys Demonstration of Android Neural Network Acceleration with EV6x

Synopsys Demo of Performance Scaling On the ARC EV6x Embedded Vision Processor IP with CNN Engine

Accelerate Intelligent SLAM with DesignWare ARC EV Processor IP | Synopsys

Synopsys Launches DesignWare ARC Software Development Platforms | Synopsys

Tracing OpenVX and CNN Applications on EV6x Embedded Vision Processors | Synopsys

Moving Natural Language Processing (NLP) to the Edge with DesignWare ARC VPX Processor IP | Synopsys

Architecture and Design Techniques for Embedded Deep Learning | Synopsys

Vibrant Super Resolution (SR-GAN) with DesignWare ARC EV Processor IP | Synopsys

Accelerate UFS Host IP Prototyping & Integration with DesignWare IP Prototyping Kits | Synopsys

Synopsys Demonstrates DesignWare® HDMI 2.0 IP Solution | Synopsys

Accelerate HDMI 2.0 RX IP Prototyping & Integration with DesignWare IP Prototyping Kits | Synopsys

Performance Optimization with DesignWare IP for PCI Express 5.0 | Synopsys

Addressing Automotive Safety Requirements with ASIL D Ready Vision Processor IP | Synopsys